Safe Environment

Safe Environment Training

What is the Safe Environment Training program?

It is essential that those adults responsible for assisting our children be provided with the information and training necessary to create a safe environment. The Safe Environment Training program is the educational program offered by the Diocese of Phoenix.

Who should be trained?

The Safe Environment Training Office of the Diocese of Phoenix says, “The Diocesan Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Minors requires all clergy, employees, volunteers that directly serve minors, volunteers that work as coaches, volunteers that work in food pantries/provide meal service, provide ministerial service in private homes, adults administering service in an after school program, and minors to attend training on an annual basis.” This means that any adult wishing to participate in school activities, including field trips, sporting events, etc., must complete the training program.

Once you finish either your initial or renewal training it is valid from July 1st to June 30th. 


Please follow the following instructions on this link if you have never taken any Safe Environment Training courses.



In order to continue carrying out the mission of protecting the most vulnerable in our community, the Church asks for all to renew their Safe Environment Training via the new website:

In order to assure that your profile rolls-over from the old database to the new one, please follow these instructions: Click the “Sign in Here” option on the upper right corner of the landing page. Use the following format to log in:

User Name: Firstname.lastname.dop Password: 1234

After logging in, you will be prompted to change your password. After saving it, sign-in again using the same user name and your new password. Your information will automatically populate, but please be sure to carefully review all of your personal information for any corrections. Follow the steps for Renewal Training.

This is mandatory for all volunteers and employees who serve the church, school and our children.

New Volunteers

Complete an online application and the Online Foundation class.

Returning Volunteers

Yearly Online Renewal is required each July 1.

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